

Our schools aim to help our students discover their own talents, to make the best of these talents and to realize their full potential, and to develop a passion for learning that lasts through life

Approach to teaching learning

Approach to teaching

the necessary elements of instruction and instructional delivery to provide students with a learning environment conducive to second language acquisition. Grounded in these findings as well as educational research and practice, the current program seeks to establish this learning environment through five guiding principles

  1. Learning is student-centered.
  2. Instruction is teacher-supported through inquiry and project-based lessons.
  3. Play is a primary element for learning.
  4. Relationships are central to learning.
  5. Time for reflection and differentiation supports both teaching and learning.
    + Concept driven inquiry

A conceptual inquiry approach is a powerful vehicle for learning that values concepts and promotes meaning and understanding. It challenges students to engage critically and creatively with significant ideas beyond the surface level of knowing. our teachers use powerful, broad and abstract concepts as a lens to organize learning within units of inquiry and subject-specific learning.

Inquiry is a process that can be framed and represented in many ways. In a context the process can involve:

Approach to learning

Our focus on approach to learning is grounded in the belief that learning how to learn is fundamental to student’s education. Teach less, learn more

  1. Encourage students to learn more actively and independently
  2. Nurturing in students a curiosity that goes beyond the formal curriculum, and a love for learning that stays with the students for life.
  3. Focusing on developing understanding, critical thinking and the ability to ask and seek answers and solutions.
  4. encourage independent learning and experimentation


Good academic performance

students achieve their education in school and able to develop knowledges, skills, attitude, physical and patriotic and humanitarian conscience.

Analytical skills

students with soft-skills that help them to identify and solve complex problems including critical thinking, research, communication.


Social skills

students can communicate with others daily in a variety of ways including verbal, nonverbal, written and visual. They are

Hand on

students involve direct practical experience in the operation or functioning of projects in school and community.


students associate with others in relationship on a formal basic specified right and being involved in decisions that affect their lives. Through participation they can identify opportunities and strategies for action.

Integration SKILLS

Focus was shifted to developing a broader range of skills, such as, critical thinking and creativity, and to develop more autonomy in schools to encourage innovation and cater to a wider variety of interests and aptitudes in our students.


It is about inter-cultural communication and inter-cultural competence. What is it about? It is the integration the world-wide flow of ideas, communication, skills, technology, culture in the goal of teaching learning.

The early LEARNER

The GGS program acknowledges the unique needs of early learners, aged 3 to 6 years. It is a distinguishing feature of the program which recognizes that learners in this age range require approaches to learning and to teaching that honor their developmental stage, and the importance of play as the vehicle for inquiry. Since experiences during the early years lay the foundation for all future learning, the GGS program framework allows educators to make choices to best enable learners to flourish.

Early learning in the GGS program is a holistic learning experience that integrates socio-emotional, physical, thinking and learning development, language development, cultural development and cognitive development. In the classroom, it takes place in dynamic environments that promote play, discovery and exploration.


The curriculum and instructional leadership are a critical factor in the success of a school’s improvement initiatives and
the overall effectiveness of the school.

building culture of learning

Create PLC, a group of teachers is working to guide a collaboration, each PLC is collectively responsible for every student’s learning & their own learning. PDCA


Create vision of learning

what do want students to know and be able to do? All students are empowered to learn and achieve, to experience high quality teaching practice and the best conditions for learning which equip them with the knowledge, skills, attitude and dispositions for lifelong learning and to shape the world around them.


Facilitate student’s learning

Facilitator’s assist student in their learning journey, ask open-ended questions and encourage curiosity in students. Facilitators empower learners and are more focused on transformative learning so students can do something with it. There is a shift from engaged learners to empowered learners with a focus on student ownership of their learning.


The SALA CHUMNOAN SAKAL (Global Generation School) has always championed a stand of critical engagement with challenge ideas and of combining of our commitment to enduring fundamental principles with our drive for innovation and improvement.

Global Generation School is working to improve students’ achievement in schools, rather than focus on the individual inspection of teaching but we must focus on collective analysis of evidence of students learning, of course teaching and learning are not devoiced from each other.

Global Generation School main responsibility is to promote the learning and success of all students. So, we can accomplish this goal by focusing on: Learning; encouraging collaboration; Analyzing results or using data improving; Providing support; and Aligning curriculum, instruction and assessment.